Paul Swearingen

Paul Swearingen, Contributing WriterPaul Swearingen is a retired English/journalism/Spanish teacher who managed to survive 34+ years in public, private, and government schools.He also was a radio newsman and disk jockey, a newspaper editor and photographer, a personnel manager for a large retail store (now defunct), a long-time publisher of the National Radio Club’s magazine, “DX News”, and during a short, dark period was a telemarketer and sold cemetery lots.

Swearingen is the author of “The High School Series”, five loosely-connected YA novels available at Smashwords and Amazon via Kindle download, plus three other YA novels he’s flogging to agents.

Paul lives in Topeka, Kansas, where his main current duty is to keep his garden under close control.

Read Paul’s posts on the Confabulator Cafe.

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