Eliza Jaquays

elizaAt the age of six, Eliza was certain of two things. The first was that she had stories to tell. The second was that she had no talent for illustrating them herself. Talent or no, she still wrote and illustrated her first book, one that should be located and locked away if only to prevent her parents from embarrassing her terribly by showing it off alongside baby pictures.

Her love of writing eventually turned itself into a Creative Writing degree from the University of Kansas. In her years as a student she tried out several majors — English, History, Japanese, Psychology, and Undecided — but kept switching back to English between each one after they failed to keep her interest. Even though she figured an English degree was the equivalent of being grammatically correct when asking people whether they would like fries with their order, she eventually settled on it, probably because out of all her options, it was the one she was closest to obtaining. A stroke of luck landed her a job in human resources, in which she is not putting her degree to work, but she is also not flipping burgers.

Eliza has full custody of an affectionate tortoiseshell Persian named Bones. They spend the majority of their evenings curled up on the couch reading books together. Thankfully, she has friends who understand that when she says she’d “rather stay home and read,” it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like them anymore. Sometimes (frequently), books are better company than friends.

As a little girl, she was acutely aware that dragons and unicorns were real. She’s never given up the hope that one day she’ll discover the dormant magic within her and it will lead her to where they’re hiding. Until she finds them, though, she’ll have to content herself with reading books and surrounding herself with paintings of dragons.

Read Eliza’s posts on the Confabulator Cafe.

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