Outside the Cafe

The writers in the Confabulator Cafe are hitting the big time! Here you can find books and magazines outside the Cafe where our writers have been published.


Monster in My Closet Monster in My Closet (A Monster Haven Story #1) — by R.L. Naquin

An empathic wedding planner with a knack for helping people with their problems finds her house overrun with monsters, mythical creatures, and urban legends in need of assistance. At the same time, a hungry incubus is following her around town, devouring every woman she touches—including her bridal clients.

Amazon (Kindle) | Barnes & Noble (NOOK) | Audible (audiobook)

Evolver: Apex PredatorEvolver: Apex Predator — by Jason Arnett

Jackson Savage adjusted pretty easily to life in college until his dying father injected him with experimental DNA. Now suspected of terrible crimes, he must adapt quickly to find his father’s murderer. Pursued by a mad scientist’s monsters, Jackson discovers survival skills no other human has.

Amazon (paperback) | Amazon (Kindle) | Barnes & Noble (NOOK)

Agent of D.A.N.G.E.R.: Strange PolarityAgent of D.A.N.G.E.R.: Strange Polarity — by Jason Arnett

Ezekiel Wolfe chased the rumors of a dark organization bent on world domination and it cost him his job as a covert agent. No longer affiliated with any government, he joins three disavowed agents also on the hunt. Alone they had no chance. Together they are mankind’s last hope against the otherworldly perils of this ancient evil.

Amazon (paperback) | Amazon (Kindle) | Barnes & Noble (NOOK)


A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super EvilA Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil — edited by Jeffrey A. Hite and Michell Plested

Writing for the super villain Professor T.ERROR, Kevin Wohler’s  “Ultimatums: Giving Up the Element of Surprise” appears in this anthology from a conclave of The Super Evil. This collection is destined to become the handbook of every evil genius on the globe.

Other insightful papers include the pressing subjects of “Cognitive Perspective in the Pursuit of Evil,” “Principles of Biology and Genetics for Minion Breeding Programs,” and “The Importance of Date Night to the Married Super Villain.”

Amazon (paperback) | Amazon (Kindle) | Barnes & Noble

Shadows of the MindShadows of the Mind — edited by Doris Ross, Tricia Sparks, & LJ Gastineau

“Who’s for Dinner?” by Sara Lundberg is included in this Trinity Gateways anthology of things that disturb, that haunt the mind, forming shadows filled with fear, terror, and sickening horror.

Amazon (Paperback) | Amazon (Kindle)


Bete Noire Magazine
Flute of the Dead,” a short story by Jack Campbell, Jr., appears in the thirteenth issue of this dark fiction magazine. (December 2013)

Hungur Magazine
Bloodline a short story by Jack Campbell, Jr., appears in the sixteenth issue of this magazine from White Cat Publications. (June 2013).

Rose Red Review
Why the Willow Weeps,” a short story that Sara E. Lundberg wrote to honor her mother’s life and fight with cancer, appears in the spring issue of this online literary magazine. (Issue No. 4, Spring 2013)

Dark Eclipse
Hatched,” a short story by Jack Campbell, Jr., appears in issue 21 of this digital horror magazine from Dark Moon Books, available on Kindle. (April 2013)

The Rusty Nail
Victor’s Indifference,” a short story by Jack Campbell, Jr., appears in this daily fiction blog. (February 2013)

Epiphany Magazine
“Waking,” an early story by Jack Campbell, Jr. appears in issue 18 of the online literary magazine. (February 2013)

Separate Worlds Magazine
“Collectors,” a short story by Jack Campbell, Jr., appears in the latest issue. (January/February 2013)  — Buy the current issue or a subscription at Speculative Fiction Stories

Danse Macabre Du Jour
“What the Fires Consumed,” a poem by Jack Campbell, Jr., appears in this daily horror blog.(November 2012)

Insomnia Press
“Perfect 10,” a short story by Jack Campbell, Jr., appears in the first issue of this digital horror magazine. (August 2012)