Jessi Levine

Jessi Levine, Contributing WriterBorn and raised in Chicago, Jessi’s Adventures In Moving brought her from her lifelong home on the south side of the city to the Ohio Valley where she attended Bowling Green State University and majored poorly in creative writing. The love of her life brought her to Lawrence, where she spent six years amongst the Jayhawks — and an amazing group of writers. In August 2011, a new chapter of her life began, and she now lives on the north side of Puget Sound. Here, she writes, drinks coffee, and attempts to blend with the rest of the Seattleits.

Jessi dapples in high fantasy and steampunk fiction, though she often likes to combine the two genres and see where they lead her. On her days off, Jessi is often armed with Starbucks, some rats, the low tide schedule and a map to the nearest dead mall.

You can visit Jessi on her Tumblr: The Honey and the Bee.

Read Jessi’s posts on the Confabulator Cafe.

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